Cartoon Grabber

New version out! cgrab-0.4.2 Changelog

There are lots of comic strips on the internet. Sites they are at are very often bloated with unnecessary advertisements and other content. This program is a small, ultimate (a-would-be ;-) ) viewer for your favourite comic strips. Just run it, and check new strips, or browse through the old ones.

Currently supported sites -- tested with Cartoon Grabber:

More things to come. If you have some suggestions, nice comic stripes etc, just drop me an e-mail.

Currently planed features


Hell yeah, everybody loves screenshots :-)

Dekstop Shot Shot


In order to setup this app on your system you need to do a little modification to rc.xml file. You need to change the path:

to a path that is appropriate for your setup. And the directory have to exist, CGrab will create sub-directories on its own.


Newest version of Cartoon Grabber is 0.4.2

cgrab-0.4.2.tar.gz(13 March 2008)

        * finally found reason of those crashes

        * added new comic to the list - Questionable Content
        * scrolling improvements
        * resize code cleanup

        * picture area fixes
        * title bar - supported for some pictures
        * offline/online mode 
        * title saving to a .title file
        * code cleanup, fixes etc.

cgrab-0.4.1.tar.gz (30 November 2007)

    * -cron option finally works, needs testing
    * regExp's corrected
    * some minor things in GUI behavior fixed
    * md5 sums work again

Older releases:

cgrab-0.4.tar.gz (26 November 2007)


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